

さあご一緒にフリフリ♪ 猫のしっぽふりふり手袋






YOU+MORE! スマートフォン対応 猫のしっぽふりふり手袋
¥3,980(+8% ¥4,295) 

To reward our customer’s interest about this product,
We restart sale about this product.
so, now YOU CAN BUY it in Felissimo international web-site.
In Felissimo international web-site,
We delivering from japan to the world.( and UK as well.)
Have a nice shopping with Felissimo.


Can you ship to the USA? Do you have an English website? Thank you! I love these and so do many others here in USA. 米国に出荷できるか。 英国のウェブサイトを有するか。ありがとう! 私はこれらを愛し、従って米国の多くの他をここにしなさい。
by tammey@gmail.comさん 2015-10-18 02:14
Can you ship to the USA? Do you have an English website? Thank you! Thank you! I love these gloves and so do many others here in USA. 米国に出荷できるか。 英国のウェブサイトを有するか。ありがとう! 私はこれらを愛し、従って米国の多くの他をここにしなさい。ありがとう! 私はこれらの手袋を愛し、従って米国の多くの他をここにしなさい。
by tammey@gmail.comさん 2015-10-18 02:15
Hello, I would like to please order the black and white cat gloves. How do I do this? Thank you. Marcy Rosenthal, 806 Palm Blvd, Isle of Palms SC, USA. marcyrosenthal@mac.com
by marcyrosenthal@mac.comさん 2015-10-18 06:16
English??? USA sales?
by Bronscs@earthlink.netさん 2015-10-18 11:38
Hi there, Do you have a translation page for your website please? I'm at: alison.makin@me.com 07572 455763 Many thanks. Alison.
by さん 2015-10-19 19:00
Thank you for the messages. We are sorry, we don't ship the gloves internationally. You can buy some of our goods on the website as follows, except the gloves... https://www.felissimo.co.jp/int/?lang_id=en Thank you.
by staffさん 2015-10-20 13:03
Hello, do you ship to Poland? Do you have ENG version of your webside? Kind regards :)
by Deyanireさん 2015-11-20 20:40
Firstly, your product and the concept itself is well cool :) ... please do consider to include international shipping. Your link is not very clear :( ... What about UK? :)
by Sophiaさん 2016-01-06 03:41
Thank you for your message. It became sold out unfortunately.We are sorry.
by staffさん 2016-01-09 17:14
To reward our customer's interest about this product, We restart sale about this product. so, now YOU CAN BUY it in Felissimo international web-site. https://www.felissimo.co.jp/int/pickup/products_detail001.cfm?lang_id=en&GCD=Z10280 In Felissimo international web-site, We delivering from japan to the world.( and UK as well.) Have a nice shopping with Felissimo.
by staffさん 2016-01-13 15:44

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